Field | Type | Description |
activeLockReason | string | The reason for the lock. |
additions | number | The number of additions; PR specific |
assignees | Array<object> | A list of users assigned to the thread. | | string | User's ID. |
assignees.url | string | User's profile URL. |
assignees.login | string | User's login name. |
assignees.avatarUrl | string | User's avatar URL. |
author | object | Thread's author. | | string | User's ID. |
author.url | string | User's profile URL. |
author.login | string | User's login name. |
author.avatarUrl | string | User's avatar URL. |
authorAssociation | string | Author association with the repository. |
changedFiles | number | The number of changed files; PR specific |
closedAt | Date | The date the thread was closed. |
createdAt | Date | The date the thread was created. |
deletions | number | The number of deletions; PR specific |
diffSide | string | Diff side; Review specific |
html | string | The body of the thread in HTML format. |
isOutdated | boolean | Whether the thread is outdated; Review specific |
isResolved | boolean | Whether the thread is resolved; Review specific |
labels | Array<string> | The labels associated with the thread. |
labelsData | Array<object> | The labels associated with the thread in JSON format. | | string | Label's ID. |
labelsData.url | string | Label's URL. | | string | Label's name. |
labelsData.color | string | Label's color. |
line | number | Original line; Review specific |
locked | boolean | Whether the thread is locked. |
mergeable | string | Mergeable state; PR specific |
merged | boolean | Whether the changes are merged; PR specific |
mergedAt | Date | Merge date; PR specific |
mergedBy | object | The user who merged the pull request. | | string | User's ID. |
mergedBy.url | string | User's profile URL. |
mergedBy.login | string | User's login name. |
mergedBy.avatarUrl | string | User's avatar URL. |
modifiedAt | Date | The date the thread was last modified. |
number | number | The unique number associated with the thread. |
originalLine | number | Original line; Review specific |
originalStartLine | number | Original start line; Review specific |
pinned | boolean | Whether the thread is pinned. |
reactions | Array<object> | The reactions to the thread. |
reactions.key | string | The reaction type. | | number | The total number of reactions. |
refPath | string | File path; Review specific |
remoteId | string | The unique identifier in the source. |
sourceId | string | The source identifier. |
startDiffSide | string | Start diff side; Review specific |
startLine | number | Start line; Review specific |
state | string | Thread's state: open, closed, or merged. |
stateReason | string | The reason for the state of the thread. |
subjectType | string | Subject type; Review specific |
submittedAt | Date | Submit date; PR specific |
text | string | The body of the thread. |
title | string | The title of the thread. |
totalCommentsCount | number | The number of comments on the thread. |
type | string | The type of the thread: issue, pull_request, or pull_request_review. |
url | string | The URL of the thread. |
autoSummary | string | A summary automatically generated based on the thread content. |
autoKeywords | Array<string> | Keywords automatically extracted from the thread's content. |
autoEntities | Array<string> | Entities automatically extracted from the thread's content. |
autoTopics | Array<string> | Topics automatically extracted from the thread's content. |
comments | Array<GithubComment> | The comments on the thread. |
reviews | Array<GithubThread> | The reviews on the thread; PR specific. |
thread | Array<GithubThread> | Parent thread; Review specific. |